About Me

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Bonjour, here's a little about me. I'm 22, from Torquay in Devon. I’m a final year student studying a BA (Hons) in fashion and marketing. My life is fashion I live breath and eat it. I appreciate most styles and trends that think outside the box, but I have to say my heart lies with the ‘lady like’ old hollywood glamour. I’m defiantly what you would call a ‘girly girl’ you will rarely catch me in a pair of trousers, a women’s hourglass is a beautiful silhouette and should be emphasized according to shape and size, not cover up with baggie t-shirts and boooooring jeans, so ladies bring back the frocks please!!!!!

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Betty Grable what a beaut!!!!!

Pin-up Girl Betty Grable the star of the World War 11 glamorous world of Hollywood. ‘The 1940’s pin-up appears classic, mainstream, patriotic, innocent and morally clear, the pinup in the classic sense always relates back to the 1940’s’[2]. The World War II had a huge effect on pin-up culture. During the war period men had very little if any contact with women for long periods of time. GI’s pinned sexy pictures of pin-up girls on the walls of their barracks, in footlockers, and in plane cockpits.

[2] Williams, L, W. Porn studies, Duke University Press, Durham, (2004), page 336.

The primary beauty focus of the 1940s was the bust and the leg. Betty Grable featured in a one piece bathing suit exhibiting her famously insured million dollar legs is the most iconic image of the period.

Hollywood movie staring Grable

Grable illustrations showing off what she's known best for her fabulous pins

December 1939 the stunning pin-up was on the cover of popular magazine LIFE.
   The ideal image of a women at a selected time and period has ranged from the innocent Mary Pickford of silent movies, to Betty Grable the pin up girl of the world war 2, to the glamorous sex symbol of the 1950s Marilyn Monroe, to the exhibitionist Madonna of the 80’s known for her extreme actions and fashion style, to playboys very own glamour girl Pamela Anderson, to the early years of the 21st century Jenifer Aniston with the girl next door image, followed my Cheryl Cole a women the paparazzi and magazines report her every move good and bad. Here at poor little fashion victim we are obsessed with the classic war period pin up. The ears screams glamour from its boob shells, so glam up please ladies if the women of the war could do it with their make do and mend screams we most certainly can. xXx 

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Prague Trip

I went to visit my best friend in Prague last weekend was sooooooo beautiful and extremely cheap if your looking for a romantic weekend with the other half or even a girly adventure I would defiantly recommend, it's a spacial unique country with lots of culture and architecher to die for.
Look what I found on my travels...................
This fabulous vintage shop tucked away in a cobbled street.
Love the wacky lay out its fun and exciting

this literally reminds me of my nan and grandads attic
love ittttttttt.

I particularly liked this elegant black lace dress.

How cool is this shop
I was in my element I didn't know where to look first
I have to admit I was in there for about an hour I'm surprised I didn't get removed
I just couldn't stop touching everything and looking to see how the clothes wear made.
There is just something about vintage clothing that really excites me especially clothing from the world war 2 ear. If only clothes could talk I bet they could tell some stories.......................

Me and my lovely boyfriend on a horse and carriage ride around Prague's attractions how romantic he he
check out the architecher in the background OUT OF THIS WORLD.

Now you may find this a lil strange but until this trip I had never ordered stake in a restaurant
judging from this image you could probably tell this as I'm getting stuff right in
was super yummy and yes I will be ordering it again and again and again hahaha I have years of catching up to do after neglecting beef for so many years.

Glowing cathedral soooo pwetty

How ironic a pin-up girl on the front of a Prague tshirt
PIN-UPS are everywhere......

Me and my bezzi walking the fabulous cold cobbled streets of Prague

This was the weirdest illusion created from our angle to this airplane in looks as if it's a rocket taking off to the moon.

ooooo the beauty of Prague it' simply a stunning part of the world with so much to see and do they even have a sex museum that i visited but unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take my camera in so your going have to go see it for yourself now if that's not an excuse to visit then i don't know what is hehehe.
That's it for now with love to you all
poor little fashion victim.

WOW what a view

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Remember remember the 5th of November

Well I certainly will I was drenched from head to toe at Hatfield House firework display. The display was awful 'I couldn't see fog all' the fog was terrible preventing any visibility boooooooooo. was fun getting down and dirty in the mud and jumping in puddles tho :)
Hope you all got to see some fireworks
poor little fashion victim

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Pin up inspired photoshoot

 'Pin up girl' inspired photo shoot
Stylist and photographer Sadie Wilson
Model Lauren Gill
Location Luton Hoo
Lauren Gill
As you can see this is a girl in desperate need of a
Poor little fashion victim makeover
This photo shoot is going to transform her
into the 'ideal women'
taking inspiration from the 1940's and 'pin up girls'
Model in her own clothes
before the make over ekkkkk.

Model after makeup
love the retro red lipstick and liquid eyeliner flicked out
but i have to say the false mole finishes the look.

Half way through the hair
Huge 1940'S inspired quiff completes the look
Tight bouncy curls creating glamour.
As you can see from this image the curls really shorten the hair

Makeover complete
The model looks like a completely different person
good work poor little fashion victim
you have created a 21 century 'pin up girl'.

There is something really elegant about this image
even tho she has a see through top on and holes in her tights.
Totally in love with these tights by Henry and Holland
I ripped wholes in the tops to create a unique style.

The accessories really complete this image they all complement
one another. the lace gloves were hand made by myself Sadie Wilson
if anyone would like a pair email me, I can make them in all colours and sizes.

Love this all in one body suit this has kicked off inspiration
into designing a developed all in one body suit for my final year collection

Totally in love with this image its so funky and fresh
I love the contrast between the thick fur and tiny hot pants
it's really playful and quirky.

the model owns this image, forget the mansion behind me
What a statement.

What a 'pin up pose' classic kicking the leg out.

Rocking the Raysssssssss!!!!!!!!!!

Really sweet frilly bottom reminds me a little of a bustle
enthersizes the womanly curves and has gace me loads of inspiration.

We salute you here at poor little fashion victim
for looking so fabulous.
I would definitely have you 'pinned on my wall'

With legs like these what women wouldn't want to show them off
and I think we all know the men would agree.
Really sweet boyfriend style shirt with frilly knickers and nude coloured socks
It works for me ladies.

The model looks like a porcelain doll so elegant yet super sexy.

So angelic and 'lady like'.

This image was inspired by Marilyn Monroe the iconic image
of her dress blowing up.

This image was inspired by the famous tennis poster where the girl
has no knickers on and is pulling up her dress revealing her bottom.
Fun and playful.

Beautiful sailor inspired image capturing a real sense of glamour.

sooooo sweet showing off her hourglass figure.

Loving the over the knee boots they finish the look off perfectly
and that jacket is to die for its just screams glamour.

Now if this isn't a pin up poster then I don't know what is
sooooo seductive.

This shoot was all about the 'Pin up' look and how we can Make the image look classy and elegant yet playful and sexy. I believe that women should dress like woman and show off their curves so come on girl bring back the old pin up glamour.
That's all for now
with love always
poor little fashion victim.
PS poor little fashion victim would like to thank Model Lauren Gill for taking part in this fabulous photo shoot

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Absolutely love this iconic image of marilyn monroe. I think it would be fun to design a dress that looks as if it was being blown up by the wind. Playing with structure and manipulating fabric to achieve this dramatic heroic silhouette.
just an idea  from poor little fashion victim.

Halloween Dead Dolly's

Me and my evil surgeon, loving the gashed open head kevy haha. I have to say getting the hair this big was extremely painful and hell to get out well worth it tho looked super scary.
Dead baby dolls and teddy bears fab accessories and great fun to burn even if that does sound a little psychotic. 
we went all out here at poor little fashion victim
:) xXx :)